Words from the CEO

Whatsup yall, this is Andrea, CEO of Solar Entertainment Music Group. I just wanted to take a moment and give shout outs to some people who have helped in the success of Solar ENT MG. Thanks and blessings goes out to God for giving me the strength to continue and blessing me with the challenges I have accomplished thus far. Second is my family who have stuck by me diligently and my friends - those who carry the honor of being called my "friend". You know who you are....

Lastly, I would like to thank our artist who to this day have worked hard and are very committed to their work. Until the day the Lord takes me home, I find it an honor to work with you all and to put forth the energy it takes to continue making you the best!

Keep grindings
As always ~ Blessings

Andrea Austin
CEO, Solar Entertainment Music Group

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New group on the block!

Whatsup yall!!!! WEST COAST! May I stop to say that 2010 is OUR YEAR!

And with that said, let me welcome S.W.A.G. on board Solar Entertainment Music Group! S.W.A.G.! Instead of listening to me...let's let them tell it. Straight from their MySpace page, peep this:
"This is the history behind the name S.W.A.G. It began in the year of 1989 when Xaron White, Barry Hubbard, And Xarel White were born in Redlands California as well as Milwaukee Wisconsin. Not long after that they began imitating Rappers and hip-hop artist who inspired them to this day, such as Jay Z, Fabolous, and Ice Cube. Wanting to follow in the footsteps of their inspirations, they soon discovered they were blessed with the gift to write music. Upon that gift they decided to create their own image and unique style of music. While entering early teenage years they began performing in talent shows, high school rallies, as well as in front of family and friends. During this time they were given their stage names, 2nyc3(Xaron), K.B. (Barry), Certified (Xarel). Recently in 2006 2nyc3, K.B. and Certified created their name S.W.A.G (Style With Accomplishing Goals) pertaining to the image and style of music they displayed. To follow their dream and inspirations S.W.A.G recognizes the long road ahead filled with, hard work, determination, and persistence, along with dedication. This is the biography behind S.W.A.G "

S.W.A.G. has completed two projects thus far that are soon to be released: "Get You Poppin", and "Side to Side". Stay tuned for information on where you can get your copy.

The staff at Solar Entertainment Music Group is overly excited to work with such a high spirited group of men who yearn to make it in the music business. Check out these pics....oh and ladies.....I think there may be some single ones in the group (psssssst..you didn't hear it from me)

Other things that are happening within the vaults of Solar Entertainment Music Group is artist Bididie Buggz has released his hot new single entitled "King of the Streets". This single contains the hot tracks "Do It", "I Don't Think They Know", and "Bump What You Wanna Bump". All can be downloaded online or hit us up for information.

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